About Coach Lani (Makanalani Farbman Thatcher)

Makanalani Farbman Thatcher ("Coach Lani") is a Level 4-NTS Coach, meaning that in addition to being certified to instruct new and existing archery students, she is also qualified to teach both the USA Archery (USAA) Level 1 Instructor and Level 2 Instructor Courses to others.  In addition, she is a certified Level 2 USAA Judge.  She is a proud member of USAA, State Archers of California (SAC), National Field Archery Association (NFAA) and California Bowman Hunters (CBH)/State Archery Association (SAA). (updated Certificate to be posted soon for recent Level 3-NTS advancement) Lani began as a student of Coach Paul Farbman and became intrigued with the sport of archery during her own first lesson with Paul at the very end of 2016.  Since June 2017, she has both competed in multiple tournaments under the in-house competitive club California Indoor Archers (aka "the CIA") and taught passionately alongside Paul at South Bay Archery Lessons after having completed her Level 2 Instructor certification. In May 2020,, she left her Technical Operations Manager position at her company (in May 2020) and began to pursue full-time archery instruction.  Eventually, this lead to her acquiring her Level 3-NTS Coaching certification in August 2020 in preparation for higher level coach for students, both private and in-house students. In August 2020, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Coach Paul and Coach Lani officially became partners in both business ownership and in marriage and now run everything together at the range.